financial security.


About us


My name is Steve Holmes, owner of FairTrade IFA and I’m based in Manchester, UK.

For over 30 years, I have personally advised hundreds of clients on their financial matters and provided a bespoke service for every single one of them. To counteract the current industry trend towards a lack of personal service across Investment and Pension Providers, I set up FairTrade to work more closely with clients and provide a transparent service that gives you more control and more say over your investments because I strongly believe that self investment is fundamental to your financial success.

Being and Independent Advisor is important to me, it means not being part of a network so I can work directly with clients on a personal level. This transparent approach builds stronger relationships, generates a sense of togetherness and accomplishes better financial outcomes. I’ve learned that success is far greater when you become involved in your medium and long-term investments.

To begin your self-investment journey contact us for more information.

Be more than just a customer

Being more than just a customer means knowing what you want from life and not settling for anything less.

Being more means wanting to achieve more, striving for more and getting more in return.

Being more means not leaving the future to chance. It means clearly defining what the future looks like and working together to make it a reality.

Being more means saving a little today to make the most of tomorrow.

Being more means knowing your attitude to risk to define the right outcomes in line with your values.
